Thank you very much for your continued support of XY.
Currently, we have noticed that among the opinions and comments on the internet and social media regarding XY and its members, there is a certain amount of defamation that exceeds certain limits.
The internet and social media are places where individuals can speak freely, but any message that offends or hurts others is not permitted.
If you are engaging in these activities, please immediately delete the relevant social media posts, etc.
In order to ensure that everyone who supports XY, as well as related parties and XY members, can continue their activities in a healthy manner, we would like to discuss with our legal counsel any excessive expressions and take legal action.
In addition, we would appreciate it if you would also read the link below regarding points you should keep in mind when supporting XY.
XY has undergone a new structure since last year and continues to evolve, so we appreciate your continued support and understanding.
XY Project Staff